Helping you find the best tradesman
Our tradesmen are rated on average 9.61 out of 10 by over 785,315 homeowners

Why Use Our Tradesmen?
Connect With The Best
Our tradesmen are rated 9.60 /10 on average by homeowners just like you – we believe we have the best tradesmen in the industry.
By using the Find a Tradesman service, you can be sure you are getting access to some of the best vetted, tradesmen in the country.
See What Other Homeowners Say
From 1983 when our first member joined to date we have received 780,931 reviews from homeowners just like you.
This means you can see what other homeowners have to say about a company or business you are thinking of hiring.
Get Your Quote
Are you looking for quotes? From each one of our 2,564 members’ review pages, you can easily request a job quote.
Take the hassle out of getting quotes by choosing from a large number of reputable tradesmen!
You Can Be Sure of FairTrades Members
All FairTrades members go through a rigorous vetting procedure before their membership is approved.
Here’s what we check to ensure every FairTrades member meets our standards:
- Trading History: Verified track record of work.
- Legal and Financial Checks: Ensures reliability and stability.
- Reference Checks: Real feedback from homeowners like you.
- Address Checked: For added trust and security.
- Members Charter Signed: Committed to upholding the FairTrades standards.
We take the time to thoroughly check every member—so you don’t have to.
marked the start of FairTrades, making us one of the oldest Trade Associations.
is the homeowners’ average customer score of our members.
homeowner reviews of our members’ work.
What To Do If Things Go Wrong
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and we understand it can be stressful. Here’s how to address issues step-by-step:

Please note: We may not be able to get involved in legal disputes, but we can still log your complaint on the member’s account for future reference.
For more information, you can review our TrustMark Member Customer Charter and Code of Conduct.
Need further help? Call 0800 131 0123